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If you’ve been hearing about how coaching has helped your colleagues or friends achieve higher performance or greater fulfillment at work and in life more generally, you might be wondering whether coaching is right for you. Here I share a few thoughts to help you decide whether you are ready for coaching.

Have you ever wondered why some professional services firm partners achieve “rainmaker” status, while others don’t

Tight professional development budget this year? Unfortunately this tends to occur at times in the financial cycle when your people need the most support and opportunities to develop. Here I set out a few tips to help stretch your PD budget without losing impact.

Would you like to become a more creative, and less reactive, leader? In this video I share how you can evolve your inner game to become a more effective leader and achieve better results overall.


The Power of Coaching with Katie Gray | Lawyering Podcast

Breaking the Cycle of Self-Doubt with Katie Gray | The MobiliTea Show


Katie Gray Katie Gray

Are your values in need of an upgrade?

“What makes you angry?” I was asked this question almost 20 years ago during an interview for an articled clerk position at a law firm in Brisbane, Australia. I was stumped – this was not a question I’d prepared an answer for. I can’t remember how I responded but my answer must not have been convincing because I wasn’t called back for a second-round interview.

I now realise this question was meant to open a conversation about my values and what is important to me. The problem was that I was a 22-year-old woman and the society I was raised in taught me to value being considerate, agreeable and responsible. If I had a difficult message to convey I should do it with a smile on my face so I don’t offend or make the other person feel awkward. I wasn’t meant to be annoyed and certainly wasn’t meant to admit that anything made me angry in a job interview! In fact, if I could relive that experience I’d explain that during those months of interview preparation, the frequent reminders I was sent to NOT to wear trousers (women should always wear skirts to an interview!) made me furious.

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Katie Gray Katie Gray

Burnout: Taking control of stress when your boss doesn’t care

As we approach the end of the first quarter of 2021, the end-of-year exhaustion has, like an unwanted house guest, arrived early and is showing no sign of leaving. It’s probably not surprising, considering the eventful start to the year we’ve had and there is certainly a blurring of that “line in the sand” we drew when 2020 came to an end.

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Katie Gray Katie Gray

5 Things to consider before joining (or ruling out) the law partnership track

As it’s the season for some firms to announce promotions to partnership, you may be wondering whether this is the right route for you.

A number of lawyers I speak to about this topic are ambivalent. They like the work they do but they are not sure whether they want to aim for partnership or bind themselves further to their current firm. They wonder whether they’ll be able to flourish in their environment and, quite frankly, they just aren’t quite sure whether partnership is as good (or bad!) as it’s rumored to be.

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Katie Gray Katie Gray

Drive the mood to drive your team

I recently visited a workplace where what struck me most was the mood. The office was tense. It was an open plan setting and I bet, had it happened, you would have heard a pin drop. There was no chit chat, no dialogue between colleagues and a strong sense of hierarchy and restraint.

Although I was just visiting, the mood impacted me. I felt instantly exposed and acutely aware that I’d come into the room from a vastly different emotional state. I was excited to be having the meeting but that optimism vanished when I noticed the way I was feeling was deeply out of step with the vibe of the office.

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Katie Gray Katie Gray

Harness the power of skilful listening

There are many skills I learned as a coach that I wish I’d had at my disposal when I was practising as a lawyer and leading teams.

The power of skilfully listening is one of the most valuable of those skills. This means listening without agenda or judgement, listening with an open and quiet mind and listening without planning and rehearsing a response in my head while I nod along patiently waiting for my turn to speak

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Katie Gray Katie Gray

From bystanders to bravehearts: how to be courageous enough to call out toxic behaviour in the workplace

Toxic work cultures involving harassment and assault are back in the spotlight but are only highlighting the tip of the iceberg when it comes to dangerous workplaces.

While 39% of women and 26% of men have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, only one in five people made a report about the behaviour. And of those who did make a formal report, 20% were labelled as troublemakers or were ostracised, victimised or ignored by colleagues. Or, they resigned.

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